Hello Beautiful People!
I’ve been thinking about you. About taking you with me.
Why do I like to take people to far-flung places in the world? Where did I get the chutzpah to throw a dozen or more people on a plane for 10, 12 sometimes 13 hours? Who said I could do this? Why do you trust me? I didn’t go to Tour Guide School. I don’t speak Hindi, Tamil, Spanish, Icelandic or Bhutanese. Yet you come with me and you have since our first Sacred Site Tour to England (crop circles, Stonehenge, Avebury) in 2007. India in 2008 (through 2019). Peru in 2009. Bhutan in 2016. Iceland 2023. And so on and so on and so on. I love that you trust me and it makes me want to do more and be better and show you things you never imagined you’d see. After Covid, I exploded with pent-up travel energy. Old ideas were revamped, new ways of seeing the world emerged, and we are booking trips.
Today I want to talk to you about Bhutan. I woke up this morning remembering soaking in a wooden tub filled with hot mineral water, floating in steamy herbs with floral aromas and I searched for the photos to see if it was true. Bumthang, 2016. Rinchenling Lodge. We will be there in mid-September, after visiting hidden valleys and sacred sites in the west of Bhutan. Slowly and mindfully we will travel east, resting at the Lodge for several nights, integrating all we have seen, smelled, tasted, and touched. Soaking in the waters, walking the valleys, writing, and sharing, we will experience travel at a new level of awareness.

It was true. I soaked and steamed and cleansed and I recall the next morning seeing a sunrise so clear I thought I had risen just to meet it.
Bhutan is more than just a mysterious Buddhist country tucked deep in the Himalayas. It is more than Shambhala-like architecture, mythical tales of dragons bringing wisdom on their backs along with Prophets and Arhats to the people. Bhutan is also a modern country with a powerful mission of Gross National Happiness that is more than a pithy slogan. GNH is a motto for a way of living, of striving to do better, an aspiration. Come see how this works. Join me on an adventure that will change the way you see the world.

Bhutan lives in me as I have visited twice. I cannot shake the urge to return. To soak up the stunning beauty of the silent green valleys, the gorgeous hikes to magical monasteries, the raucous festivals with costumes of every color, and the children’s faces as they run to school in their uniforms, stopping to smile at a stranger. The sounds of the Monks in prayer. The Nuns chants echoing beyond the mountains. You will be moved in ways you didn’t even know were possible. Come. I have worked with our guide and travel agency before and we have designed a unique, spectacular journey. Trip dates September 7-17, 2024. Take a look. Just 5 spaces remain. $850 holds your space. Venmo @susan-weis-bohlen (last four of cell 2096)

If you have read this far I commend you and invite you to join Larry and me for Tea and Treats to talk about the trip. Sunday, June 9 at 2 pm, we will gather in person, in Baltimore. Email me at susan@susanweisbohlen.com or text me with your name and email to 410-979-2096 and I’ll send you the details. I am also delighted to chat with you by phone or Zoom anytime.
Tea and Treats for our upcoming journey to Iceland will be on Saturday, June 22, and India on Sunday, June 30. You can see trip details HERE.
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Enthusiastically yours,